Organisation and management of school science laboratories

In this online course, you will be able to carry out a set of activities, organized in 3 sessions, which will help the science group to organise the laboratories, their equipment and materials, substances and mixtures, waste, etc. The contents of the sessions are as follows:


  1. Analyse reference laboratories and prep rooms concerning its organisation and management, discussing their adaptation to different local realities;

  2. Analyse relevant literature related to the subject;

  3. Using a template provided for a digital notebook in Microsoft Onenote, designed for the organisation and management of laboratories, apply a plan for the organization and management of laboratories.

  4. Develop and adapt resources to support the organisation and management of school laboratories, using appropriate tools.

  5. Prepare signage, substance and mixture labels, cabinets, zones and dossiers, posters, checklists, equipment kits, etc.. 

  6. Test in the field the efficacy of the developed proposal.  

  7. Reflect on the application of the school science laboratories organization and management plan.