- En
- Pt
4 Fevereiro 2017
Nesta secção pode consultar referências de projectos e bibliografia relacionadas com a investigação sobre ambientes de aprendizagem activa para o ensino das ciências e temas relacionados.
Abrahams, I. Z.
Between rhetoric and reality.
University of York.
Abrahams, Ian
Practical work in secondary science: A minds-on approach.
pp. 01-01-53.
Abrahams, Ian & Millar, Robin
Does practical work really work? A study of the effectiveness of practical work as a teaching and learning method in school science.
International Journal of Science Education
Vol. 30
, No. 14,
pp. 1945-1969.
Aikenhead, Glen S.
Science education for everyday life : evidence-based practice.
Teachers College Press.
Akrich, Madeleine; CALLON, M. I. C. H. E. L.; Latour, Bruno & MONAGHAN, A. D. R. I. A. N.
The key to success in innovation part I: the art of interessement.
Journal of Innovation
Vol. 6
, No. 2,
pp. 187-206.
Akrich, Madeleine; CALLON, M. I. C. H. E. L.; Latour, Bruno & MONAGHAN, A. D. R. I. A. N.
The key to success in innovation part II: the art of choosing good spokespersons.
Journal of Innovation
Vol. 6
, No. 2,
pp. 207-225.
Alegre, A. & Heitor, T.
Liceus, Escolas Técnicas e Secundárias.
Lisboa: Parque Escolar.
Alegre, Alexandra
Arquitectura escolar.
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Allchin, Douglas
Should the sociology of science be rated X?.
Science Education
Vol. 88
, No. 6,
pp. 934-946.
Amador, F.
O ensino da Geologia nas escolas portuguesas, durante o século XIX e primeira metade do século XX.
Terrae Didatica
Amin, Tamer G.
Conceptual Metaphor and the Study of Conceptual Change: Research synthesis and future directions.
International Journal of Science Education
Vol. 37
, No. 5-6,
pp. 966-991.
Atã, Pedro & Queiroz, João
Icon and Abduction: Situatedness in Peircean Cognitive Semiotics.
In Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology.
pp. 301-313.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Attoe, Wayne & Mugerauer, Robert
Excellent studio teaching in architecture.
Studies in Higher Education
Vol. 16
, No. 1,
pp. 41-50.
Ausubel, D. P.
Aquisição e retenção de conhecimentos: uma perspectiva cognitiva.
Lisboa: Plátano
Bakhtin, M. M.
Art and Answerability.
Early Philosophical Essays.
Ed. 1.
Holquist, Michael & Liapunov, Vadim.
University of Texas Press.